Gal (from Israel) had talked about two weeks ago about going out of NY for the weekend after the exams (the exams ended last Tuesday). The plan was to go hiking in the mountains and watch the autumn colors.
Well, yesterday at departure time we checked the weather forecast, and realized that it was going to rain all weekend, and hiking during rain is not a very comfortable sensation.
We put a shirt and some shoes in our bags, and decided to go to Atlantic City.
Atlantic City is a "Las Vegas wannabe" on the East Coast (about two hours away from NY). A city by the sea that only has an avenue full of casinos. Nothing else!
It was a fun night out.

Michael got the hooters haloween costume! Not the girls though...

They said at The Hooters restaurant they would give us free drinks if we could hula-hup for 30 seconds...of course we didn't manage even 5 seconds.
Gal didn't learn enough about moving hips in the Israeli army.
But the most memorable moment was when a Portuguese, an Israeli and an American decided to make a race on the beach. In shoes and jeans...

Anyway, we have a hiking trip planned by the Columbia's Business School Outdoor Club for next Sunday. Let's hope we don't end up in Atlantic City again...