After a great night of Halloween, the following morning I was out in the cold with Jeff, Steph and Anne to cheer on the NY marathoners.
This year we had some friends from school running: Luis Sanz, Pau Sabria, Carlos Rivera, Ray Liu. Additionally, a friend from PepsiCo was also running, Rosaria Mannino.
The NY Marathon of 2009 had around 40.000 people running it and an estimated two million people cheering along the 42.2kms of the way.
Remember a posting I made last year, when Gustavo, Luis and I said we were going to run the half marathon? Well, it didn't happen. However, going to cheer at the marathoners brought back that interest to me and it is definitely on my lifetime to do list to run at least a half-marathon and, who knows, a full one.
During the time I was there cheering on the streets (at 116th street and Frederick Douglas Avenue) I only managed to see Pau Sabria and failed everyone else I wanted to see. However, I did see three runners with Portuguese flags on their running shirts, to whom I yelled "Forca Portugal!!! Forca!!!" They all seemed to have enjoyed the support in their own language.

One of the three Portuguese I saw, trying to find who was screeming "Forca Portugal!!"

Steph managed to spot her friend Ed.
Jeff running along with Pau when we spotted him