Monday, January 18, 2010

Last semester

My friends, the last semester is starting.
During the Orientation Week of the new J-term class, every once in a while the new students would ask "So, are you sad this is your last semester?". And I responded "Thanks for bringing it up!". I know I am going to miss all the time here at CBS and it is very hard to believe that one year and a half have passed.
Today I payed my last tuition payment, and I guess this is a sign that the end is really coming.
However, I know it is going to be a great last semester and more good things will come after I graduate. After all, there is life after the MBA!

1 comment:

Stef said...

Ops...sorry for bringing it up! ;-)

However, I am sure this will be THE BEST semester... and it will be just the beginning!
