Sunday, March 21, 2010

A View from the Bridge

Before anything else, I have to say that I saw Scarlett Johansson today :)

Scarllet and Liev Schreiber (pictures below for those of you not connecting the names with the faces) are performing on Broadway with the play "A View From the Bridge" from American playwright Arthur Miller.
The play is about life of a family in an immigrant neighborhood in New York, and depicts the drama of that family when their orphaned niece decides to get married to an Italian illegal immigrant.
It is an interesting play and I think my mother would have liked it because it is very similar to the plays and immigrant themes she used to teach in school.
I have to say that I preferred Liev's performance than Scarlett's...but it's her Broadway debut, so let's not be too hard on her.

Liev Schrieber

Scarlett Johansson

Spring is here!

I know that during the last year and a half I have always announce when the first snow fell in New York.
Now, it is only fair to also announce that Spring is here.
Since I came back from my Spring Break Holidays (I will post about that soon, once I have time to download the pictures from my camera) the weather in NY has been great. The temperature during the day has been around 15C, and the sun has been shining.

It is really important to note that this is an important event.
For those of you living in temperate places, like Portugal, this may not seem very obvious (it wasn't for me in the past) but 3/4 months of extremely cold weather really suck! And when good weather comes, wow, everyone seems to react to it and become happier and more friendly. I notice it on myself too!

Thanks Spring!