The first one is Beer Pong.
Like the name suggests, it is related with ping-pong. You play it in a table, on each side you put some cups half full of beer in a triangle. You have two people playing on each side, and the objective is to throw a ping-pong ball, and insert it in one of the cups of your opponent. If you do it, he has to drink the beer in that cup. Of course it is a little bit disgusting, because the ball falls on the floor and goes from cup to cup, however there is one cup with water where you are supposed to wash the ball each time you play (of course, that after a while the water is dirty too). The winner is the person that gets the ball in all the cups of the other player.

The second one is Flip Cup.
Here you have two teams of players, each team on a side of a table, and you start with one person on each team that has to drink his beer. After that, that person has to put his cup standing straight on the border of the table, and throw it with an impulse of fingers, so that it lies upside down on the table. When you reach this goal, the person of your team next to you, drinks his beer and continues the game. The winning team is the one that gets everyone done first.

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