Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Orientation Week

Last week was "Orientation Week". The objective of the week is to integrate all the new students in the Columbia Business School community. This is done via activities, classes, happy-hours at bars, dinners, and lots of partying.
It was a tough week, because we started early everyday and it lasted until late. In the meanwhile we had cases to read and assignments to prepare.
I loved every moment of it, specially because I got the chance to meet lots of new people. It will be hard to remember everyone, and their names, but it was a good start.
I find it curious that I was always comparing our orientation with the Portuguese "praxes", but I will write about that in a later post.
As I don't have much time, I will leave you with some pictures from the week.

At one of the Happy Hours

Doing one of our team-challenges

My Cluster's Peer Advisors (2nd year MBA students, responsible for our orientation)

Bowling Party

Our Cluster Classroom (see all the decorations...)

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