Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Newark visit

Newark is a small city in the state of New Jersey, about 30 minutes away from New York City.
Newark has a big Portuguese immigrant community, so it is quite natural to see Portuguese restaurants, supermarkets and all types of services with banners written in Portuguese.

My brother had to go to Ikea, which is in Newark, last Saturday and we couldn't go there without doing some Portuguese food shopping.
Here is a picture of what I bought.

From left to right:
- atum Bom Petisco
- queijo da Serra
- Nestum
- Chocapic ( I like the fact that the box says - Atencao: mais chocolate)
- bacalhau
- chourico

Missing in the picture:
- 12 pasteis de nata, that disappeared in 2 days :D


Anonymous said...

E o sal pá, não compraste sal?! É o único sítio onde se compra sal grosso nesta terra.

Rui Francisco said...

Ainda tenho sal grosso :)

José Carvalho said...

Epá... esse chouriço assado deve saber que nem ginjas!!!
Aproveita o bacalhau para mostrares os teus dotes culinários... ;)

Rui Francisco said...

Oa bacalhau vai ser posto amanha de molho.
O chourico assado e' do melhor que ja' comi aqui.

Grande abraco Ze!